Introducing the Insect-O-Cutor Infiniti Compact UV LED Glueboard Flykiller - Energy Saving, the latest addition to the Infiniti family. This highly efficient decorative model is perfect for front-of-house areas or applications with limited wall space. Designed for customer-facing environments, it boasts a compact design without compromising on efficacy. With a swing-open front guard for easy servicing and a unique slim LED source for compact storage and transportation, it's the ultimate solution for discreet fly catch.
- Model: Infiniti Compact
- Voltage: 230V ~ 50Hz
- Dimensions (mm): 500 x 175 x 100
- Weight (kg): 2.0
- LED Strip: 1 x LED8S
- Glueboard: 1/2 x INL288 (Black)